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Baby names

29th Sep 2022

Baby names: These are the top 20 nature inspired names in the UK and Ireland

Melissa Carton

postnatal depletion

Did you name your child any of these names?

Nature names have always been a popular choice for parents, whether it’s choosing to name their child after a beautiful flower or a place in nature.

Both of my children have nature inspired middle names and if you would like to give your baby a nature inspired name here are 20 of the most popular ones from the UK and Ireland.

parenting in other countries

1- Poppy

2- Robin

3- Holly

4- River

5- Daisy

6- Woody

7- Jasmine

8- Bear

9- Rosie

10- Fox

11- Willow

12- Sunny

13- Brook

14- Birdie

15- Ivy

16- Forrest

17- Rose

18- Ocean

19- Skye

20- Basil


Are there any other names that you would add to the list? Let us know in the comments.