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HelloFresh - Back to school


13th Feb 2019

You will LAUGH when you see how David Beckham drops his sons to school every day

Rebecca O'Keeffe

Two birds, one stone.

The lovely David Beckham prides himself in being a hands-on father.

He spends a lot of time with his kids, and even brings them to school every morning.

Well, he accompanies his sons to school – but they don’t drive.

Instead, it seems as though David makes his sons run to school, and we’re actually laughing.

The former footballer keeps in shape with a gruelling work-out regime, and it seems as though his kids are getting involved.

Himself, Romeo and Cruz run the three miles to school each morning, which is fairly intense.

david beckham

David recently shared a video on Instagram of the boys on the run.

“So apparently it’s 3 miles to the school well done boys,” he captioned the vidoe, while filming.

David then turned to his youngest son and said: “Morning Cruz.

“How many miles again today?” and he replied: “Another two”.

We’re wrecked just watching it, to be quite honest.

Then, David turned to young Romeo, and said:

“Hey Romeo. Nice haircut. Are you all right?” and Romeo responded: “Yeah, I’m good.”

david beckham

Can you imagine getting a three mile run out of the way before even starting school? Nah.

We’re not shocked though, because both David Beckham and his wife Victoria have pretty intense gym regimes.

Speaking to the Guardian , Victoria recently revealed that she starts her day with a 7k run on the treadmill.

Next up is the personal trainer.

Victoria endures 30 minutes of legs followed by 30 minutes of arms, toning and conditioning.

It explains why she looks so amazing…