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11th Apr 2022

First ever mother and baby mental health unit to open in 2024

Kat O'Connor

The mental health unit will hopefully open in late 2024.

Ireland’s first mental health unit for mums and babies is due for completion in 2024.

It is believed the specialist unit will be developed in just two years’ time.

According to reports, this is the final stage of the government’s perinatal mental health care model.

New mothers with severe mental illness will be offered care and support in the unit.

Women can avail of the services during their pregnancy, as well as after the birth of their child.

According to The Journal, mothers will be able to keep their babies with them when admitted. However, they currently cannot have their babies with them in general psychiatric wards.

Not only will this benefit their mental health, but it will also help their baby. The mums will be able to strengthen their bond and care for their babies.

Speaking about the launch of Sharing the Vision: A Mental Health Policy for Everyone Implementation Plan.

Minister for Mental Health and Older People Mary Butler said their aim is to enhance the provision of mental health services.

Minister Butler also said that promoting positive mental health is a key part of this plan.

She said the government aims to improve both community-based and primary care mental health supports.

There will also be an improvement in children and youth mental health services, as well as accessibility to mental health supports.

This is a huge step forward for new mothers in Ireland.

Having this help and support available will make an incredible difference, especially for new mums. It’s encouraging to see the government taking women’s mental health seriously.