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HelloFresh - Back to school


20th Mar 2020

Josh Gad, aka Frozen’s Olaf, is reading nightly bedtime stories for kids in isolation

Melissa Carton

This is so sweet.

It’s been tough the last few weeks watching all the stories on the news, every once in a while you just want to read something heart warming.

Luckily there are plenty of heart warming stories around and some even include bed time stories being read by one of our favourite Disney characters.

Yes that’s right, Olaf voice actor Josh Gad will be reading out kids’ bedtime stories during the global pandemic to help relive the stress of it all and we actually couldn’t love him more if we tried right now.

Gad, who also portrayed LeFou in the 2017 live action remake of Beauty and the Beast, announced on his Instagram today that he will be reading a bedtime story a day during the self isolation shut down.

“And yes, the rumors are true. Join #GadBookClub every day as we gather round and read a book for the kids as you parents take a long needed break or for you parents as you kids take a long needed break. Love you all. Stay safe.”

Of course fans and followers of Gad we’re immediately excited and wanted to know where they could listen right away;

“Where can we watch/listen?”

“How do we find #gadbookclub?”

Gad has not replied to the comments and questions just yet (he’s probably busy prepping or recording) but according to fans we should all be able to join in the bedtime fun through his Twitter and Instagram live.

In fact when I did a little bit of snooping I actually found that he had already gone live with one story yesterday (which is currently still available to watch on his stories).

Between trying to stay stress free and keep the kids entertained at the same time I think I speak for all parents when I say Josh Gad is a bit of a legend for doing this.