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20th Feb 2015

Grey hair, don’t care & 5 things we can’t be bothered with during pregnancy

50 shades of Kate (it had to be done)

Sophie White

Remember when the Daily Mail came under attack after they highlighted Princess K-Middy’s untended roots? There are many things we should not be preoccupied with during pregnancy and that is one.

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The paper expressed faux-concern that the royal pregnancy was taking it’s toll on the princess’s other job: the beauty regime. Shocked that Kate would be letting the side down, irate subjects took to Twitter to express their ‘outrage’.

According to the article the shocking bedraggled display came just weeks after Kate appeared looking pale and tired during an off-duty shopping trip as report by the International Business Times, see below:

Sad for us that Kate Middleton looking ‘pale’ and ‘tired’ at 6 months pregnant still looks better than we do at our best. Most of us totally do away with any sense of obligation regarding personal appearance or social norms while pregnant, and we applaud K-Middy’s attempt at doing the same. We feel kind of bad for the Daily Mail if they think that neglecting our roots is the lowest ebb a pregnant woman can reach. They’re obviously in need of some home truths and, of course, we are more than happy to oblige. So here is our list of things women can totally abandon during pregnancy.

1. Personal grooming

Once that bump gets big enough adopt an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ approach to the lady garden. Similarly, when it comes to leg-shaving or foot-care – if it’s out of reach? It’s out of the question.

2. Social niceties

You’re two stone overweight, your hands and feet have swelled to comedic proportions, and you’re being constantly kicked from within by an energetic interloper. If someone says something that pisses you off just let them have it. Hell hath no fury like a pregnant woman irritated.

3. A sense of propriety

Pregnant women tend to see themselves as operating outside of social conventions and quite rightly, we say. There is so much discomfort during gestation that if you feel the need to, say, take your tights off during your working day just go right ahead. You’re bringing forth life, after all. That bra has gotta go too.

4. A filter

All sense of what is acceptable to talk about completely deserts most of us while expecting. Your body is doing weird and wonderful things, it is only natural that you should want to share it with those around you. Whatever you do don’t get a pregnant woman started on nipple discolouration, perineum massage or the ‘cough test’ unless you want a mental visual that can never be erased.

5. Conforming to the usual expectations for ‘sleep time’ versus ‘awake time’ 

Napping wherever, whenever is standard for the pregnant woman so curl up and drop off whenever the urge strikes. Important note: if you encounter a sleeping pregnant woman, do not wake her up, she will not take it well. We refer you to the above paragraph regarding social niceties.