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Labour + birth

10th Jan 2024

Birth and labour affirmation cards: Helping new mums approach labour with a positive mindset

Sophie Collins


Do you believe in the power of affirmations?

If you’re a new mum heading towards your due date, you may feel anxious and worried about what to expect during labour and birth.

If you’re really feeling the pressure – no pun intended – and respond well to the power of affirmations, an Irish company,, has the perfect gift for you.

They have compiled a box of 30 affirmations that are designed to encourage you, give you strength and ease your anxieties about the road ahead.

According to their website: “The 30 affirmations contained within this box were created to give you strength and courage to empower you to have the most positive pregnancy and birth experience for you, your baby and your family. 

“Each day, choose a card, set it as your daily intention and release the Goddess within.”

While many women will likely be skeptical about using these as a method of calm and encouragement, studies have shown that they really do help.

According to, “a 2020 report found that using positive affirmations during labor can reduce anxiety. 

“It’s thought that affirmations may prime two parts of the brain to more efficiently regulate emotions. 

“So, no matter the birthing experience you plan for—or the one you get—having some positive affirmations in your back pocket can truly help you to get over the finish line a little easier.”

They also warn soon-to-be mums not to “expect all of the positive affirmations to resonate…because they won’t. 

“Simply hone in on the ones that feel right. Those will be the ones that work.”