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Labour + birth

02nd Feb 2024

Woman sparks debate online after calling push presents ‘ridiculous’

Kat O'Connor

Do you believe in the push present trend?

A woman has sparked a heated debate online after calling push presents ‘ridiculous’.

The Reddit user admitted that they couldn’t understand the obsession with the new trend.

They said your newborn should be the only gift you need, but is a push present really causing any harm?

Surely celebrating a new mum and making her feel good is something we should embrace.

They wrote on Reddit: “I suppose unless you’re ridiculously rich? But I cannot fathom spending money on a present for pushing a baby out. Isn’t the baby the present?”

Many users agreed that they had no interest in push presents, but others agreed that it was a lovely way to celebrate the new mum.

One explained that their family often purchased a piece of jewelry for new mums in their family if they could afford it. The sentimental gift would then be passed to the daughter or daughter-in-law on her wedding day. A pretty touching tradition if you ask us.

“I would like to continue the tradition, but I’m certainly not going to expect that as a “push present”. For heaven’s sake, my present is this baby I get to love and nurture! He/she is way more important than a gift!” they wrote.

Another said she doesn’t want a gift but wants her husband to “show his gratitude”.

“I’m the one who has to go through all the physical changes of pregnancy, the pain and possible trauma of childbirth, the challenges of breastfeeding. I don’t need anything that costs money I would like a gesture. So like a card or a little speech or even an inexpensive gift if that’s how he’d like to show his affection.”

One mum summed it up perfectly and said every mum is different and has different desires.

“I didn’t get a push present or have a gender reveal party and don’t judge any women who had either. To every woman their own. Mums get judged enough honestly – if it doesn’t affect me why should I care?”

What do you think of the push present trend?