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08th Mar 2024

Five types of cries and what they could mean for your baby

Anna Martin

babies cries

Before babies can speak, they communicate through cries

Though for some people who aren’t parents, each shriek sounds the same but if you listen closely you may hear a difference in their cries.

Babies can cry for many reasons and each one can usually be grouped into different categories that parents will grow familiar with.

Yet, if you’re just getting the hang of knowing what your little one wants, here are four types of cries and what they could mean for your baby.

Hungry cry

Four types of baby cries and what they might mean
Credit: Getty

When your baby is hungry, they’ll be sure to let you know! Usually, this cry will sound long, low-pitched, and repetitive, broken up by long pauses.

As your baby gets hungrier the crying will get louder and longer with shorter pauses.

Your little one may also clench their fists, smack their lips and even put their hands in their mouth to get the point across.

Fussy cry

Four types of baby cries and what they might mean
Credit: Getty

Sometimes it all gets too much, even for your little one and they just need a nap, infants need a lot of sleep after all -14 to 17 hours a day in their first three months, and 12 to 15 hours in the next eight months.

Or maybe they’re uncomfortable or it could be time to check their nappy, either way, your baby may have a distinct cry to let you know.

When infants are fussy they may cry mildly, on and off. As with other types of cries, crying will increase in intensity the longer it goes on.

Sick cry

Credit: Getty

Though infants can’t say in words that they’re not feeling well, they have a unique way of letting you know.

If your baby is coming down with a dose they usually won’t stop crying no matter what you do. Your baby may sound tired and weak.

It could be worth making an appointment with your doctor especially if your little one refuses to eat or starts to run a fever among other symptoms.

Pain cry

Four types of baby cries and what they might mean
Credit: Getty

For a lot of parents, they will just know when their baby is in pain, even if they’ve never heard this type of cry before.

Yet if you want to know what this could possibly sound like, listen for a sudden shriek a single, long, and high-pitched cry.

This may repeat as they continue to feel waves of pain. Check your baby or any signs of where this pain could be coming from and check in with your doctor.

Trapped wind cry

silent reflux
Credit: Getty

Typically when a baby has trapped wind in the upper part of their digestive system, they will cry out with an ‘eh’ sound.

Babies that need a burp are often unsettled and cry during a feed, or turn a little red in the face, they may seem unsettled as soon as you lay them down.

Thankfully you can help ease this by holding your baby firmly on your right shoulder with their bottom in the middle of your chest, and gently tapping or rubbing baby’s back in a circular motion.

This should tilt baby on their left side and will help release trapped wind.