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23rd Aug 2019

Mum finds anti-lice hair ties in Mr Price and we need them before school starts

Melissa Carton

Is there anything more dreaded than the lice warning newsletter coming home in your child’s school bag?

I felt like my son was only back in school a week when he came home from school with a letter saying that there had been an outbreak and all students would need to be checked for lice.

Just reading those letters makes my head itch even if there isn’t a louse to be seen.

Only just today one of my favourite mummy bloggers posted about a product that she spotted in Mr Price that could be a real game-changer for kids on their way back to school.

These hair ties from Mr Price called Lice Dr claim to be a headlice deterrent for children and I’m all for it.

Anything to avoid using those awful smelling lotions and the dreaded lice comb. At only €1.50 too they are an absolute bargain if they truly do what they say on the tin (or in this case the packaging).

Within minutes of posting lots of mums were already in the comments tagging their friends so I’m not the only one who thinks these are a great idea.

“I need to get these for the girls heading back to school.”

Now if you don’t mind I’m off to Mr Price to stock up.