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04th Jun 2021

This DHL scam is doing the rounds and can cost you thousands

Sarah McKenna Barry

The text has a link that redirects customers to a dangerous website.

There’s been a recent uptake in phone scams over the past few months, and one scam in particular may cost individuals thousands of euro.

Logistics company DHL have warned consumers that scammers are sending fraudulent text messages using the company’s name.

The text alerts the user to a scheduled delivery and then leads them to a fake link.

It reads: “DHL EXPRESS (reference number) from MCT/SUITOPIA is scheduled for delivery TODAY. Track at (fake link).”

The company has urged customers to be vigilant if they receive this message.

They said: “If you receive any suspicious text messages, do not click on the links or attachments.

“Delete the message from your inbox and please report to [email protected] for further investigation.”

DHL also reminded customers that they will never ask users to install applications through text.

Over the past year, fraudsters have been taking advantage of the fact that many consumers are opting to shop online throughout the pandemic. There has been a sharp increase in the number of scams using delivery notification texts to send users to dangerous websites.

If you do click on the link, security experts recommend disconnecting your device from the internet immediately. This will help prevent fraudsters from accessing your other devices on the network. Additionally, disconnecting from your internet may stop them from sending out sensitive information from your phone or computer, or accessing your device.

On top of that, consumers are urged to run antivirus protection on their devices. This will help you determine the extent to which you’ve been compromised.

Finally, you should change all your passwords in order to protect your various accounts.

For more information on how to protect yourself from cyber scams, head to An Garda Síochána’s official website.