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01st Dec 2023

Did you know that your dishwasher could do this?

Anna Martin

Dishwashers; can’t live with them, can’t live without them.

While dishwashers can help save time when it comes to cleaning up after dinner, sometimes you just can’t get those pesky wine glasses to fit.

Not just wine glasses though, any particularly tall glasses, plates, dishes whatever it may be, you just can’t get them to fit.

Well, as usual, TikTok and one of its many creators have discovered something that might just change your life or at least your dishwasher usage.

@hotdogsilly #duet with @frunpalandet86 SHOOK @cirah33 #fyp ♬ Hard Times – Paramore

TikToker @hotdogsilly took to the app to share the so-called hack with her followers, after discovering a video of someone popping a stemmed wine glass into the top drawer of the appliance.

The video starts with someone attempting to put the wine glasses on the top shelf of their dishwasher, only to realise that they don’t fit and they might just have handwash them.

With two clicks of a lever, the top shelf significantly drops, enough room for the wine glass stems to fit in the washer, and the rubber gloves can be put away.

The levers are located on each side of the shelf, one on the left and one on the right and seem to unlock a ‘Mary Poppin’s bag’ kind of space in the dishwasher.

dishwasher hack
Credit: Getty

Of course the TikToker ran to the kitchen to examine her own applicance and guess what? Her dishwasher could do it too!

Now according to the comments not everyone’s machine will have the levers, but you won’t know until you look.

There is one slight issue we could see with this though…How can we put it back?