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18th Apr 2018

Two teenagers have been diagnosed with Tuberculosis in Cork

Jade Hayden

Two teenagers have been diagnosed with Tuberculosis in Co Cork.

The patients are pupils at Glanmire Community College where the HSE is currently screening all students and teachers.

The teenagers are under the care of the HSE at the moment.

A HSE statement reads:

“The Department of Public Health, HSE South can confirm that it has been notified of a case of TB in a teenager attending a secondary school in Cork. This person is under the care of a Respiratory Physician and is doing well. 
“A second case of active TB has been identified during the screening process and is under the care of a Respiratory Physician and on anti-TB treatment. 
“The public health investigating team have decided to extend screening to all staff and students in the school.  This is in line with best practice and is being done as a precaution to rule out spread of latent infection.”


This comes after many concerned residents contacted Cork’s RedFM today saying that they were worried about how far the screenings would cover.

There has been a 34 percent decline in Tuberculosis (TB) detections in Ireland in recent years, however the HSE are still presented with on average one new case every day.

TB is spread by:

“Germs (…) coughed into the air. If a close contact of the case breathes in those germs they may become infected.

However, contact with the TB case usually has to be close (conversational distance) and prolonged (many hours) before someone is at risk of becoming infected.”

Symptoms of TB include:

  • Fever
  • Night sweats
  • Cough (generally lasting more than 3 weeks)
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Blood in the sputum (phlegm)
  • Unusual tiredness

TB screening tests usually include two or more of the following: A questionnaire asking about possible TB symptoms, skin test, blood test, chest‐x‐ray.