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06th Oct 2022

We get our love of baking and sport from our Grandparents according to survey

Melissa Carton

Today is Grandparent’s day.

Grandparent’s Day 2022 takes place today and to coincide with the day of celebration, My Nametags looked into what traditions and hobbies have been handed down through the generations in Ireland.

According to their research we get a lot of our hobbies from our Grandparents, particularly baking and sports.


The survey asked Irish adults what traditions or hobbies had been passed down to them from their grandparents, with the results revealing the top five were as follows:
1. Baking / Cooking (59%)
2. Sports (22%)
3. Knitting / Crochet (13%)
4. DIY (13%)
5. Gardening (13%)

Of those surveyed, surprisingly 19 per cent revealed that they did not inherit any traditions or hobbies from their grandparents.

However, it seems that the Irish public feel that passing on traditions through the generations is still important today.

57 per cent stated that they didn’t think that passing on traditions and hobbies from generation to generation was a thing of the past.

When it comes to baking and cooking, it seems us Irish love passing down a recipe from generation to generation, with 48% of respondents revealing they have a family recipe that they received from their grandparents.

The most common recipes included brown bread and of course the Christmas pudding!

When asked if they or their siblings followed in their grandparent’s footsteps in relation to their career or job, just seven per cent of respondents stated that they did, with careers in farming and the defence forces being the most likely ones that were carried on from one generation to the next.

In relation to sport, 15 per cent indicated that they played the same sport as their grandparent and a further 15 per cent stated that they follow the same sports team.

