What would you do?
It can be difficult when you find out that the father of your children has gotten someone else pregnant, but even more so when it’s a teenage girl who now needs your help.
This ended up being the case for one mum who now doesn’t know what to do.
The stressed mother wrote to parenting forum Mum Uncut for advice on what she should do;
“What should I do?
My kids dad slept with a 17 yr old and got her pregnant. My kids no longer see their father because of it and other reasons.
She just left him due to domestic violence. She wants to stay in contact so the kids can know their sibling. What would yall do? I’m really in the fence about the whole situation.”
Other parents in the comments suggested that she let the young girl and her baby into her life as her children should know their sibling;
“The unborn child didn’t do anything.
I personally think you should be honest with your kids and tell them the whole story and ask what they want. That child deserves to know their siblings.”
“If you’re adult enough to put your feelings aside for the sake of your kids, thrn yes. Definitely let them have a relationship with their half sibling.”
Some even suggested she should go as far as helping the teenager get help for the domestic violence that she has been victim to;
“She needs to press domestic violence charges against him first off. Being only 17 she may not realise this.
You should tell her to go to the police.”
It’s a difficult situation all around but I agree with the majority of the comments that she should let her children know that they have a new sibling, and give them the option of knowing that sibling.