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Baby names

05th Jan 2017

The Two BIGGEST Irish Baby Names Of 2016 Were…

Katie Mythen-Lynch

James was the most popular name chosen for baby boys born in Ireland in 2016, with Emily coming out tops for girls.

While traditional names such as Aoife and Finn remain popular, the names Freya and Muhammad were the highest new entries, reflecting Ireland’s multi-cultural society.

Ireland’s two favourite baby names were revealed by Foreign Affairs Minister Charlie Flanagan, who said:

“Of the 17,752 passports issued to children born in 2016, 116 went to girls named Emily and 158 to boys named James.”

Noting that his own name had dropped in the ranking from 11 last year to 24 this year, the Minister added:

“We will have to see what can be done about that! I take some comfort in the fact that my middle name – James – topped the poll of the boys’ names!”

Speaking ahead of the publication of the full list of names, the Minister had some advice for new parents:

“No- doubt many of these new passport holders will be going on holiday with their proud parents and families in 2017. I would like to take this opportunity to remind Irish people to check the validity of their passports and those of their families, and to consider renewing now, ahead of the summer rush.  Special requirements apply to children’s passports.”

Did you choose Ireland’s most popular baby names for your little ones? Let us know on Twitter @HerFamilydotie.Â