When I was pregnant – both times – I refused to find out the sex of the baby before it was actually born.
This despite the fact that everyone –including my friends and even midwives – seemed puzzled at this notion, and couldn’t understand why I didn’t want to know.
The thing is; obviously; I wanted to know. I was dying to know. But I also didn’t want to ruin the biggest surprise(s) of my life. And also; I actually had so much fun with the guessing games.
Cold hands? Must be a girl. ALL bump? Surely I was having a boy? Glowing skin? Boy. Craving sour things? Girl. I drove myself (and everyone else around me) nuts with all my sign-spotting and guessing.
Because guess what, guys? There are tons of old wives tales out there and weird superstitions that supposedly reveal whether you’re having a boy or girl. Most of the time, though, as I soon discovered, these are totally bananas. However, as it turns out, weirdly enough, the one about bananas is actually – according to science – somewhat true.
Yup, it’s true. Am article from CNN a few years back notes that mamas-to-be who consume excess number of bananas before conceiving are more likely to have boys.
Fancy adding a boy to your brood, mamas? Well, then according to the 2008 study published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society Basked, newly pregnant mums who consumed relatively more calories in the year leading up to conception were slightly more likely to have boys.
More bizarrely: Mums who ate more bananas were more likely to have boys,with the hypothesis being that the high levels of potassium in the fruit somehow contributed to the baby’s sex.
Although the boy boost was fairly marginal, we think it’s a pretty nifty excuse to tuck into all the bananas (if slugs and snails and puppy dog tails are on your mind, that is!)