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28th Nov 2022

“I have been shaken”: Kim Kardashian addresses Balenciaga’s disturbing campaign

Sarah McKenna Barry

“As a mother of four, I have been shaken by the disturbing images.”

Last week, the fashion world was disturbed by a campaign by Balenciaga which featured children wearing teddy bears that were dressed in BDSM fetish gear.

The campaign was subsequently pulled by the brand.

In a statement released last Tuesday, they said: “We sincerely apologize for any offense our holiday campaign may have caused.

“Our plush bear bags should not have been featured with children in this campaign. We have immediately removed the campaign from all platforms.”

Over the past few days, many fans have been calling on Kim Kardashian, who often works with Balenciaga to address the campaign.

Earlier this morning, the reality star took to Twitter and explained that she has been quiet on the issue because she wanted to formulate her thoughts and reach out to the team and try to understand how this happened.

She tweeted: “I have been quiet for the past few days, not because I haven’t been disgusted and outraged by the recent Balenciaga campaigns, but because I wanted an opportunity to speak to their team to understand for myself how this could have happened.

“As a mother of four, I have been shaken by the disturbing images. The safety of children must be held with the highest regard and any attempts to normalize child abuse of any kind should have no place in our society — period.

“I appreciate Balenciaga’s removal of the campaigns and apology. In speaking with them, I believe they understand the seriousness of the issue and will take the necessary measures for this to never happen again.

“As for my future with Balenciaga, I am currently re-evaluating my relationship with the brand, basing it off their willingness to accept accountability for something that should have never happened to begin with — & the actions I am expecting to see them take to protect children.”

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