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Travel + Fun

24th May 2024

Liffey Valley’s The Life Sessions are back – here are the key dates and events for the whole family

Sophie Collins

Liffey Valley - parents

If you’re a new or soon-to-be parent, gathering as much advice as possible is essential for feeling prepared to welcome your little one into the world

This June, Liffey Valley is hosting its annual Life Sessions, providing parents with a wealth of information, tips, and tricks to help navigate the exciting journey of parenthood.

There is something for everyone, even experienced parents interested in a refresher on things like baby nutrition and sleep routines.

Sessions for Parents: Key Dates and Events

Thursday, June 6th – Sunday, June 9th

The Life Sessions will kick off with the return of the Baby Sleep Workshop on Thursday, June 6th at 10:30 am. 

Hosted by Kelly Geoghan, founder of Sleepy Stars, this workshop is perfect for new parents, parents-to-be, or anyone needing a refresher on baby sleep routines. 

Attendees will receive personalised advice from Kelly on all things sleep-related. 

The session is held in partnership with Butlers Chocolate Café, which will provide complimentary coffee for all attendees.

The first weekend concludes with an adorable Teddy Bears’ Picnic on Sunday, June 9th, in collaboration with Dubray Books. 

Liffey Valley

Little shoppers are encouraged to bring their favorite furry friends and join the picnic for live storytelling sessions featuring a host of Irish authors.

Thursday, June 13th – Sunday, June 16th

On Thursday, June 13th, stylist and mum Lorna Weightman will host a Baby Nutrition and Weaning Workshop with coach and author Aileen Cox Blundell. 

This session is perfect for new, soon-to-be, or experienced parents looking for valuable insights into baby nutrition and weaning practices.

Thursday, June 20th – Sunday, June 23rd

On Friday, June 21st, marks Liffey Valley’s first-ever podcast recording with “Skin in the Game.” 

Shoppers can watch hosts Kell and Elle discuss feel-good topics from skincare to beauty. 

On Saturday, June 22nd, Life Sessions favorite Aideen-Kate Murphy returns for the third consecutive year to host a make-up masterclass, offering an exclusive opportunity to purchase products from her True Beauty range.

The summer sessions wrap up on Sunday, June 23rd, with a Birds for Biodiversity workshop hosted by Biodiversity in Schools. 

Young shoppers will make zero-waste clay bird feeders to help rewild their green spaces and learn about Ireland’s diverse avian life.

Whether you’re seeking expert advice or looking for something to do with the whole family engage in enjoyable activities, there’s something for every parent and child.