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Baby names

24th Oct 2018

These are the top 20 baby names for naughty, nice, happy and unhappy kids

Olivia Hayes

Is your name on any of these lists?

What’s in a name? A lot of thinking goes into choosing a name for your soon-to-be son or daughter.

You might have had a name picked out from the minute you found out you were pregnant, or on the other hand, you might still be thinking about it even after your baby has arrived.

Pakmag compiled a list of the most popular, naughty, nice, happy and unhappy names… so of course, we’re intrigued to find out what names are on it.

So, without further ado, here are the top 20 names in each list:

Popular girls

  1. Olivia
  2. Charlotte
  3. Mia
  4. Ava
  5. Amelia
  6. Emily
  7. Sofia/Sophia
  8. Sophie
  9. Chloe
  10. Ruby

Popular boys

  1. Oliver
  2. William
  3. Jack
  4. Noah
  5. Jackson/Jaxon/Jaxson
  6. Thomas
  7. Lucas
  8. James
  9. Alex/Alexander
  10. Ethan

Naughty girls

  1. Ella
  2. Bethany
  3. Eleanor
  4. Olivia
  5. Laura
  6. Holly
  7. Courtney
  8. Amber
  9. Caitlin
  10. Jade

Naughty boys

  1. Joseph
  2. Cameron
  3. William
  4. Jake
  5. Joshua
  6. Jamie
  7. Lewis
  8. Benjamin
  9. Ethan
  10. Luke

Nice Girls

  1. Amy
  2. Georgia
  3. Emma
  4. Charlotte
  5. Grace
  6. Sophie
  7. Abigail
  8. Hannah
  9. Emily
  10. Alice

Nice boys

  1. Jacob
  2. Daniel
  3. Thomas
  4. James
  5. Adam
  6. Harry
  7. Samuel
  8. Jack
  9. Oliver
  10. Ryan

Happy girls

  1. Judy
  2. Stephanie
  3. Linda
  4. Pam
  5. Pat
  6. Fiona
  7. Paula
  8. Susan
  9. Isobel
  10. Vicky

Happy boys

  1. Joshua
  2. Jason
  3. Matthew
  4. Terry
  5. Barry
  6. Stan
  7. Ian
  8. Craig
  9. Nigel
  10. Christopher

Unhappy girls

  1. Lynn
  2. Charlotte
  3. Tina
  4. Amy
  5. Tara
  6. Sam
  7. Alex
  8. Tanya
  9. Jessica
  10. Olivia

Unhappy boys

  1. Ben
  2. Andrew
  3. Edward
  4. Tim
  5. Owen
  6. Bob
  7. Dennis
  8. Ray
  9. Alfie
  10. Jeremy