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22nd May 2024

Arthur Gourounlian speaks out about vile online abuse

Kat O'Connor

Brian Dowling & family

Arthur Gourounlian has slated the trolls

Dancing with the Stars judge, Arthur Gourounlian has opened up about the online abuse he has faced and how he copes with it.

Arthur said trolls have targeted him and his husband Brian Dowling over their decision to start a family.

He said people have told them that what they’re doing is wrong.

He told Ireland AM: “People saying it’s wrong; why should we do surrogacy; it’s incest. Educate yourself to understand what’s happening.”

Brian’s sister Aoife is being their surrogate again and their second child is due in the coming weeks.

However, the dads chose to keep this pregnancy offline as much as possible because of the abuse they faced when Aoife was carrying their daughter Blake.

Arthur Gourounlian stressed: “It’s nothing to do with Aoife — she’s helping us.”

Arthur and Brian have been able to handle the abuse they’ve faced, but they want to protect Aoife, especially because of all she has done for the dads.

“She’s not doing it for fame, for money. She’s doing it for her brother and brother-in-law, to help us.

“People know it’s her but at least she enjoys life, you know? There’s no need for [the hate],” he stressed.

The abuse both Brian and Arthur have faced since they revealed their plans to become parents is nothing but shocking.

They are entering a new time of their lives and it should be done without shame, hate, and anger.

They should be able to enjoy this new chapter of their lives like all other parents.